Final (for now) in my series on race, migration and the environment for Center for New Community. Enjoy! Originally posted on Imagine 2050. by Martha Pskowski A bill recently introduced in Congress, the National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act (H.R. 1505), by Representative Rob Bishop (R-UT), is the latest signal that the environment is being sacrificed in pursuit of “national security” at the border. This bill, and several laws that came before, are putting to waste the work of many environmentalists to protect the border…Continue Reading “Border Environment Sacrificed for National Security”
And another! Director Greg Rainoff had a successful twenty year career as a Hollywood visual effects artist before deciding, “I needed to do something good with myself.” That “something” arrived when he found himself inspired to make a film after reading about the US border wall project. Dismayed that environmental impacts weren’t being discussed, he decided he had to act. “I started a film about birds and it became about human rights.” El Muro, Rainoff’s film, tells the story of the 3.5 miles of border wall…Continue Reading “El Muro: Independent Film Exposes Environmental Impact of Border Wall”
Cross-posted from Imagine 2050, blog of the Center for New Community. Saturday, February 26, I attended a public hearing in Worcester, MA, on the “Secure Communities Act” of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE). Community groups and individuals from Worcester and surrounding areas sent a clear message to the governor: “No” to Secure Communities and enforcement-only immigration policy, and “Yes” to a comprehensive approach on immigration. The hearing was the first in a series of community meetings across Massachusetts to bring public input to…Continue Reading “what is “secure communities” really about?”
Cross-posted from Imagine 2050, the blog of the Center for New Community. The anti-immigrant movement, under groups like, The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), blames immigrants and population levels in the American Southwest for lack of water and potential water shortages. We know droughts are becoming more frequent and are lasting longer. There are real causes for water shortages in the Southwest and equitable access to water is highly important. The anti-immigrant movement, however, has only one cause and one solution: blame immigrants. In The…Continue Reading “got water?”
I wrote this post for the youth climate blog It’s Getting Hot in Here. I hope to get back to posting in the next few weeks but school is busier than ever. A line of men in sweatshirts and jeans, baseball caps pulled down, snakes through desert brush in the hidden camera footage. The voice-over in this Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) film describes the actions of the “illegal aliens,” “They walk, but some get tired. A few sit and snack. Likely the snack packages…Continue Reading “Standing against the Greening of Hate”