Mexican conservation success threatened by wave of mining concessions

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I have my first piece out on Mongabay, the international conservation and environmental news website. Read the full piece here.

“Forty women, a few small children, and one adventurous dog pile into pick-up trucks parked in the town square. It is an early Saturday morning in March in the small mountain town of Capulálpam de Mendez in Oaxaca, Mexico. Mist hangs over the mountains that ring the town center, 45 miles from the state capital.

Capulálpam, home to 2,500 people, feels distant from the city, with no cell phone service and transportation out of town ending at six each evening. Capulálpam’s residents are Zapotecs, one of the many indigenous groups in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca.”IMG_7636-900x600

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